
DEDC team,exposure visit in eastern Nepal...

With the financial support of MEDEP/APSO Dang and some cost sharing by DDC Rolpa, MEDEP Rolpa district DEDC board member completed 5 days exposure visit from 18 Asoj to 22 Asoj 2070 in eastern Nepal of MEDEP covered districts. Goal of this visit was apply to success micro-enterprises in Rolpa district and lesion learn [>>Read More]

First time conducted mobile repairing training.

Based in MEDEP model, after 7 days TOPE/TOSE entrepreneurship training 6 woman entrepreneurs are taking part in 60 days basic mobile repairing training. This training is organized by BDSPI/DECOS Rolpa with the financial support of MEDEP for new MEs from October so, it will continuing.. [>>Read More]

Technology suport in Jhenam for Vegetable..

Up to now in Rolpa Distrct there are created more than 700 entrepreneurs. It is chalange to support them due to the lack of budget and limit target for tne scale up support. Although MEDEP released some budged for the existing MEs and improve their enterprise,in this quarter one seasonal and off -seasonal vegetable enterprise.. [>>Read More]

Bee keeping refresher training in Khungri.

For existing MEs of Khungri VDC of Ghodagaun RMC, bee keeping refresher training is conducted from 20 November to 25 2013 for 5 days. Bee keeping entreprneurs have received the skill training support and continuing their enterprise and gaining the profit. But according to the demand of.. [>>Read More]

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